Saturday, 14 September 2013

Last days in Canada

We've come to the final day in Canada, after a lengthy drive from Jasper to Vancouver we have had a couple of days to sort some things out (re-charge the batteries and do some much needed washing), and are just about ready to fly out to the Cook Islands tomorrow.

The drive back from the Rockies was pretty amazing with plenty of wildlife around as we left early. We saw several bull Elk strutting their stuff for the Autumn rutt (I think you'll agree they look pretty horny) and we even saw a Moose, albeit from afar!

Today with the Ice Hockey season about to start we managed to get into a free open training Scrimmage (training game) with the Vancouver Canucks, it was a really fast and brutal game (hard to believe they were on the same team!) 

All together we have had an incredible time in Canada and will be sorry to leave... Slightly less sorry not to be heading back to work and instead heading on to a beautiful chain of Islands :-)

Hope to catch up from the South Pacific xxx

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