Thursday, 20 March 2014

Singapore - the start of our Asia exploration

We were sorry to leave New Zealand after 6 months, but we are excited to be continuing the adventure in our third continent: Asia.

48 hours in Singapore was the first stop... A great fun city of sky scrapers and stifling humidity.

Some of the architecture is really innovative, such as this hotel/casino in the shape of a cruise liner perched on top of three towers.

There is an eclectic melting pot of buildings and cultures. The people of Singapore represent four main ethnic groups: Indian, Malaysian, Chinese and other minorities. It was really positive to see the integration throughout the city.

Then there is the colonial history and associated architecture. We were going to grace this famous hotel for a Singapore 'Gin Sling' cocktail but we had heard it was full of Riff-Raffles!

Instead we headed to the busy streets of China Town to soak up the atmosphere and night markets.

Next stop Cambodia and the ancient temples of Angkor Wat!

1 comment:

  1. I agree - Singapore is a real mix of styles and cultures. We went to the Chinese quarter and I had Sichuan chicken - a mix of chicken bones and very hot red chillies and nothing else! I suffered eating it and afterwards! We saw some dragon boat racing on the river and it was festival time but not a place to stay for more than a couple of days to my mind
